Shipping & Returns

Shipping Information

We will ship your order within two business days. Once your item is shipped you will receive a Shipping Confirmation email with a FedEx or USPS tracking number. Most packages take between 3 – 7 business days to arrive within the continental U.S.

Please allow one week delivery time for all International Orders. International Orders are shipped via FedEx. Free shipping does not apply to international orders.

Shipping Issues

If you received a product different from the one that you ordered, we apologize. Please contact us as soon as possible, using the Contact Form or by replying to your Order Confirmation email. We do not assume responsibility for lost or stolen packages, nor for reimbursement or compensation of returned packages lost in transit, without proof of delivery.


We accept all major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners, and JCB. We also accept PayPal and Venmo payments.


We want you to love our products as much as we do. So, if that’s not the case, products purchased from may be returned for a full refund within 30 days.

From your customer account, you can quickly initiate a return directly from your orders page. If you do not have an account, please submit email Customer Service using the contact form and include your order number, what you would like to return, the reason for the return, and any other helpful information. 

Once we receive your returned shipment, a credit will be issued within 30 days to the original form of payment. Shipping charges are only refunded if the return is a result of our error.

We are not able to process returns for products purchased from one of our retailers (natural foods stores, wellness centers, spas, etc.). We recommend contacting the store or reseller you purchased the item from directly.

Submitting a "self-serve" return

"Self-serve" returns can be quickly and easily submitted directly in your customer account page.

1. Log in to your account.
2. Click "Request return" for the order that you want to submit the return for.
3. If your order has more than one item, then select the items that you want to return.
4. Select a return reason and add a note for the store.
5. Click "Request return".

If your return request is approved and requires shipping, then you receive an email with shipping instructions and a return shipping label. After the product is returned, you will receive a refund in the original form of payment.

Promotional time limits

Discount codes, special offers and promotional prices are only valid within the time frame noted in our newsletter and social media pages. We cannot retroactively apply discounts to orders placed outside of noted time frames.